Thursday, January 19, 2006

Trash or Treasure?

A hint for parents, especially the mother of my children:

If you are throwing toys and or toy parts away, take the garbage bag outside after you toss the toys. I just spent 5 minutes explaining why The Talker's party hats were in the trash and why the hotwheel carwash was under them.

And the Power Ranger's motorcycle underneath that? It almost caused the four year old to have a stroke. Until I agreed that it would get a reprieve.

I feel like the govenor, granting clemency to old toys. Wait a minute, I am in Texas. Our govenors don't do that...


jen said...

I remember when I was a kid. We went through the same thing. Kids just like to hoard stuff. I'm not sure why, but at some point, you grow out of it.

Darth Daddy said...

We got to weed out more toys here. So many of them that most don't get played with, cause they're buried at the bottom of that overflowing toy chest.


Anonymous said...

God help me if that ever happened with my 4 year old's Power Ranger cycle - I moved some of his toys last week for his birthday party - and told him about it, still, all I heard was "Where's Trents' motorcycle? I need Trent's motorcycle." - nevermind that he hadn't played with it in 8 months.

Idaho Dad said...

Six months after I sold my son's castle on eBay (the one he never played with), he threw a royal tantrum when he couldn't find it. I ended up getting him another one on eBay for his birthday because he said that's all he wanted. And once he got it, he never played with it again. Lesson learned on my part!